Radiation and energetic analysis of nanofluid based volumetric absorbers for concentrated solar power

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Eggers, J.R.; Lange, E.M.; Kabelac, S.: Radiation and energetic analysis of nanofluid based volumetric absorbers for concentrated solar power. In: Nanomaterials 8 (2018), Nr. 10, 838. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/nano8100838

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Recently, several publications gave attention to nanofluid based solar absorber systems in which the solar radiation energy is directly absorbed in the volume of the fluid. This idea could provide advantages over conventionally used surface absorbers regarding the optical and thermal efficiency. For the evaluation of this concept, a numerical approach is introduced and validated in this contribution. The results show that the optical efficiency of a volumetric absorber strongly depends on the scattering behavior of the nanofluid and can reach competitive values only if the particle size distribution is narrow and small. If this is achieved, the surface temperature and therefore the heat loss can be lowered significantly. Furthermore, the surface absorber requires very high Reynolds numbers to transfer the absorbed energy into the working fluid and avoid overheating of the absorber tube. This demand of pumping power can be reduced significantly using the concept of volumetric absorption.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2018
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Maschinenbau

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