Ultrafast photoinduced relaxation dynamics of the indoline dye D149 in organic solvents

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Lohse, P.W.; Kuhnt, J.; Druzhinin, S.I.; Scholz, M.; Ekimova, M. et al.: Ultrafast photoinduced relaxation dynamics of the indoline dye D149 in organic solvents. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (2011), Nr. 43, S. 19632-19640. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/c1cp22429h

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The relaxation dynamics of the indoline dye D149, a well-known sensitizer for photoelectrochemical solar cells, have been extensively characterized in various organic solvents by combining results from ultrafast pump–supercontinuum probe (PSCP) spectroscopy, transient UV-pump VIS-probe spectroscopy, time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) measurements as well as steady-state absorption and fluorescence. In the steady-state spectra, the position of the absorption maximum shows only a weak solvent dependence, whereas the fluorescence Stokes shift Δ[small nu, Greek, tilde]F correlates with solvent polarity. Photoexcitation at around 480 nm provides access to the S1 state of D149 which exhibits solvation dynamics on characteristic timescales, as monitored by a red-shift of the stimulated emission and spectral development of the excited-state absorption in the transient PSCP spectra. In all cases, the spectral dynamics can be modeled by a global kinetic analysis using a time-dependent S1spectrum. The lifetime τ1 of the S1 state roughly correlates with polarity [acetonitrile (280 ps) < acetone (540 ps) < THF (720 ps) < chloroform (800 ps)], yet in alcohols it is much shorter [methanol (99 ps) < ethanol (178 ps) < acetonitrile (280 ps)], suggesting an appreciable influence of hydrogen bonding on the dynamics. A minor component with a characteristic time constant in the range 19–30 ps, readily observed in the PSCP spectra of D149 in acetonitrile and THF, is likely due to removal of vibrational excess energy from the S1 state by collisions with solvent molecules. Additional weak fluorescence in the range 390–500 nm is observed upon excitation in the S0 → S2 band, which contains short-lived S2 → S0 emission of D149. Transient absorption signals after excitation at 377.5 nm yield an additional time constant in the subpicosecond range, representing the lifetime of the S2 state. S2 excitation also produces photoproducts.
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Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2011
Appears in Collections:Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

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