Identification of Differently Regulated Proteins after Fusarium graminearum Infection of Emmer (Triticum dicoccum) at Several Grain Ripening Stages

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Truemper, Christina; Paffenholz, Katrin; Smit, Inga; Koessler, Philip; Karlovsky, Petr et al.: Identification of Differently Regulated Proteins after Fusarium graminearum Infection of Emmer (Triticum dicoccum) at Several Grain Ripening Stages. In: Food Technology and Biotechnology 53 (2015), Nr. 3, S. 261-268. DOI:

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This study was conducted to improve the knowledge of molecular processes involved in the interaction between Fusarium graminearum and emmer in the course of grain ripening. Emmer plants were artificially inoculated with a F. graminearum spore suspension at anthesis. In the course of grain ripening from milk ripe to plant death stage, grains at four phenological growth stages were collected for analysis. The infection degree was evaluated based on the F. graminearum DNA content in emmer grain infolding tissues (glumes and rachis). For proteome analysis the albumin and globulin fractions of emmer grains, consisting of proteins with various functions related to the development and stress response, were analysed regarding the changes due to Fusarium infection by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Altogether, forty-three proteins affected by infection were identified by mass spectrometry. Enzymes detoxifying reactive oxygen species were regulated at all developmental stages. In the early stage of grain development, the abundance of proteins related to stress response, such as 2-Cys peroxiredoxin, a chitinase, a xylanase inhibitor and a spermidine synthase was increased. During later stage of grain development, the abundance of stress-related proteins, such as chitinases, heat shock proteins and an alpha-amylase inhibitor-like protein, decreased. During all ripening stages, but especially during medium milk stage (BBCH 75) and soft dough stage (BBCH 85), the abundance of proteins related to carbon metabolism, starch and protein biosynthesis as well as photosynthesis increased due to F. graminearum infection. At the plant death stage (BBCH 97) the abundance of only two proteins related to metabolism decreased.
License of this version: CC BY-NC 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2015
Appears in Collections:Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

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