Land use change impacts on floods at the catchment scale: Challenges and opportunities for future research

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Rogger, M.; Agnoletti, M.; Alaoui, A.; Bathurst, J.C.; Bodner, G. et al.: Land use change impacts on floods at the catchment scale: Challenges and opportunities for future research. In: Water Resources Research 53 (2017), Nr. 7, S. 5209-5219. DOI:

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Research gaps in understanding flood changes at the catchment scale caused by changes in forest management, agricultural practices, artificial drainage, and terracing are identified. Potential strategies in addressing these gaps are proposed, such as complex systems approaches to link processes across time scales, long-term experiments on physical-chemical-biological process interactions, and a focus on connectivity and patterns across spatial scales. It is suggested that these strategies will stimulate new research that coherently addresses the issues across hydrology, soil and agricultural sciences, forest engineering, forest ecology, and geomorphology.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2017
Appears in Collections:Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

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