R-charge conservation and more in factorizable and non-factorizable orbifolds

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Bizet, Nana G. Cabo; Kobayashi, Tatsuo; Pena, Damian K. Mayorga; Parameswaran, Susha L.; Schmitz, Matthias et al.: R-charge conservation and more in factorizable and non-factorizable orbifolds. In: Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (2013), Nr. 5, 76. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05(2013)076

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We consider the string theory origin of R-charge conservation laws in heterotic orbifold compactifications, deriving the corresponding string coupling selection rule for factorizable and non-factorizable orbifolds, with prime ordered and non-prime ordered point groups. R-charge conservation arises due to symmetries among the worldsheet instantons that can mediate the couplings. Among our results is a previously missed non-trivial contribution to the conserved R-charges from the gamma-phases in non-prime orbifolds, which weakens the R-charge selection rule. Symmetries among the worldsheet instantons can also lead to additional selection rules for some couplings. We make a similar analysis for Rule 4 or the "torus lattice selection rule". Moreover, we identify a new string selection rule, that we call Rule 6 or the "coset vector selection rule".
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2013
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik

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