Evaluation of laser induced sarcomere microdamage: Role of damage extent and location in cardiomyocytes

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Müller, D.; Klamt, T.; Gentemann, L.; Heisterkamp, A.; Kalies, S.M.K.: Evaluation of laser induced sarcomere microdamage: Role of damage extent and location in cardiomyocytes. In: PLoS ONE 16 (2021), Nr. 6, e0252346. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0252346

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Whereas it is evident that a well aligned and regular sarcomeric structure in cardiomyocytes is vital for heart function, considerably less is known about the contribution of individual elements to the mechanics of the entire cell. For instance, it is unclear whether altered Z-disc elements are the reason or the outcome of related cardiomyopathies. Therefore, it is crucial to gain more insight into this cellular organization. This study utilizes femtosecond laserbased nanosurgery to better understand sarcomeres and their repair upon damage. We investigated the influence of the extent and the location of the Z-disc damage. A single, three, five or ten Z-disc ablations were performed in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. We employed image-based analysis using a self-written software together with different already published algorithms. We observed that cardiomyocyte survival associated with the damage extent, but not with the cell area or the total number of Z-discs per cell. The cell survival is independent of the damage position and can be compensated. However, the sarcomere alignment/orientation is changing over time after ablation. The contraction time is also independent of the extent of damage for the tested parameters. Additionally, we observed shortening rates between 6-7% of the initial sarcomere length in laser treated cardiomyocytes. This rate is an important indicator for force generation in myocytes. In conclusion, femtosecond laser-based nanosurgery together with image-based sarcomere tracking is a powerful tool to better understand the Z-disc complex and its force propagation function and role in cellular mechanisms. Copyright:
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2021
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik

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