Versatile electric fields for the manipulation of ultracold NaK molecules

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Gempel, M.W.; Hartmann, T.; Schulze, T.A.; Voges, K.K.; Zenesini, A.; Ospelkaus, S.: Versatile electric fields for the manipulation of ultracold NaK molecules. In: New Journal of Physics 18 (2016), Nr. 4, 45017. DOI:

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In this paper, we present an electrode geometry for the manipulation of ultracold, rovibrational ground state NaK molecules. The electrode system allows to induce a dipole moment in trapped diatomic NaK molecules with a magnitude up to 68% of their internal dipole moment along any direction in a given two-dimensional plane. The strength, the sign and the direction of the induced dipole moment is therefore fully tunable. The maximal relative variation of the electric field over the trapping volume is below 10-6. At the desired electric field value of 10 kV cm-1 this corresponds to a deviation of 0.01 V cm-1. Furthermore, the possibility to create strong electric field gradients provides the opportunity to address molecules in single layers of an optical lattice. The electrode structure is made of transparent indium tin oxide and combines large optical access for sophisticated optical dipole traps and optical lattice configurations with the possibility to create versatile electric field configurations.
License of this version: CC BY 3.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Issue Date: 2016
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik

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