Implementation of Machine Learning to Improve the Decision-Making Process of End-of-Usage Products in the Circular Economy

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Diem, Michael; Braun, Anja; Louw, Louis: Implementation of Machine Learning to Improve the Decision-Making Process of End-of-Usage Products in the Circular Economy. In: Nyhuis, P.; Herberger, D.; Hübner, M. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Conference on Production Systems and Logistics : CPSL 2020. Hannover : publish-Ing., 2020, S. 188-197. DOI:

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Rising consumption due to a growing world population and increasing prosperity, combined with a linear economic system have led to a sharp increase in garbage collection, general pollution of the environment and the threat of resource scarcity. At the same time, the perception of environmental protection becomes more sensitive as the consequences of neglecting sustainable business and eco-efficiency become more visible. The Circular Economy (CE) could reduce waste production and is able to decouple economic growth from resource consumption, but most of the products currently in use are not designed for the reuse-forms of the CE. In addition, the decision-making process of the End-of-Usage (EoU) products regarding the following steps has further weaknesses in terms of economic attractiveness for the participants, which leads to low return rates and thus the disposal is often the only alternative.This paper proposes a model of the decision-making process, which uses machine learning. For this purpose, a Machine Learning (ML) classification is created, by applying the waterfall model. An artificial neural network (ANN) uses information about the model, use phase and the obvious symptoms of the product to predict the condition of individual components. The resulting information can be used in a downstream economic and ecological evaluation to assess the possible next steps. To test this process comprehensive training data is simulated to train the ANN. The decentralized implementation, cost savings and the possibility of an incentive system for the return of an end-of-usage product could lead to increased return rates. Since electronic devices in particular are attractive for the CE, laptops are the reference object of this work. However, the obtained findings are easily applicable to other electronic devices.
License of this version: CC BY 3.0 DE
Document Type: BookPart
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2020
Appears in Collections:Proceedings CPSL 2020
Proceedings CPSL 2020

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