How to sort out uncategorisable documents for interpretive social science? On limits of currently employed text mining techniques

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Philipps, Axel: How to sort out uncategorisable documents for interpretive social science? On limits of currently employed text mining techniques. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA) 2018, S. 19-27. DOI:

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Current text mining applications statistically work on the basis of linguistic models and theories and certain parameter settings. This enables researchers to classify, group and rank a large textual corpus – a useful feature for scholars who study all forms of written text. However, these underlying conditions differ in respect to the way how interpretively-oriented social scientists approach textual data. They aim to understand the meaning of text by heuristically using known categorisations, concepts and other formal methods. More importantly, they are primarily interested in documents that are incomprehensible with our current knowledge because these  documents offer a chance to formulate new empirically-grounded typifications, hypotheses, and theories. In this paper, therefore, I propose for a text mining technique with different aims and procedures. It includes a shift away from methods of grouping and clustering the whole text corpus to a process that sorts out uncategorisable documents. Such an approach will be demonstrated using a simple example. While more elaborate text mining techniques might become tools for more complex tasks, the given example just presents the essence of a possible working principle. As such, it supports social inquiries that search for and examine unfamiliar patterns and regularities.
License of this version: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2018
Appears in Collections:Philosophische Fakultät

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