Axially loaded grouted connections in offshore conditions using ordinary portland cement

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Henneberg, Joshua; Schaumann, Peter; Raba, Alexander: Axially loaded grouted connections in offshore conditions using ordinary portland cement. In: Proceedings 12th international conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures - ASCCS 2018 2018 (2018), S. 541-547. DOI:

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A grouted connection (GC) is a hybrid connection which joins two telescoped steel tubes by filling the annulus between the steel tubes with grout. GCs are frequently used to enable a force fitted connection between piles and substructure of offshore wind turbines. At latticed substructures this connection is located at mudline level in wet ambient conditions (AC). Nowadays special grout materials are used to achieve not only best mechanical properties but also a good performance during grouting in offshore conditions.To reduce production costs the use of ordinary portland cement (OPC) is investigated as an alternative filling material within this paper. OPC has a much lower tendency to segregate, as there are no aggregates added. This leads to more simplified, stable and cheaper production processes offshore. Further focus is put on the failure mode of OPC filled GCs in submerged condtions.For an appropriate use of OPC offshore a feasible mechanical performance needs to be ensured. Investigating this, small and large-scale laboratory tests were performed at Leibniz Universität Hannover. Using the experimental test setup of previous investigations for special high performance grouts (HPG) [1, 2], enables a direct comparison of HPG and OPC. Documenting liquid and solid OPC properties, like slump flow and compressive strength confirms a stable material quality. Small-scale ULS-tests showed significantly lower ULS-capacities and a more brittle failing process compared to HPG. Lagre-scale tests confirmed the observed failure mechanisms of Schaumann and Raba for OPC filled GCs in submerged conditions [3]. Carried out tests showed significant influence of grout material and confirmed influence of grout annulus size on fatigue capacity.
License of this version: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2018
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie

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