Laser-welded Dissimilar Steel-aluminum Seams for Automotive Lightweight Construction

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Schimek, M.; Springer, A.; Kaierle, S.; Kracht, D.; Wesling, V.: Laser-welded Dissimilar Steel-aluminum Seams for Automotive Lightweight Construction. In: Physics Procedia 39 (2012), S. 43-50. DOI:

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By reducing vehicle weight, a significant increase in fuel efficiency and consequently a reduction in CO 2 emissions can be achieved. Currently a high interest in the production of hybrid weld seams between steel and aluminum exists. Previous methods as laser brazing are possible only by using fluxes and additional materials. Laser welding can be used to join steel and aluminum without the use of additives. With a low penetration depth increases in tensile strength can be achieved. Recent results from laser welded overlap seams show that there is no compromise in strength by decreasing penetration depth in the aluminum.
License of this version: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2012
Appears in Collections:An-Institute

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