Effects of (music-based) rhythmic auditory cueing training on gait and posture post-stroke: A systematic review & dose-response meta-analysis

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Ghai, S.; Ghai, I.: Effects of (music-based) rhythmic auditory cueing training on gait and posture post-stroke: A systematic review & dose-response meta-analysis. In: Scientific Reports 9 (2019), Nr. 1, 2183. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-38723-3

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Gait dysfunctions are common post-stroke. Rhythmic auditory cueing has been widely used in gait rehabilitation for movement disorders. However, a consensus regarding its influence on gait and postural recovery post-stroke is still warranted. A systematic review and meta-analysis was performed to analyze the effects of auditory cueing on gait and postural stability post-stroke. Nine academic databases were searched according to PRISMA guidelines. The eligibility criteria for the studies were a) studies were randomized controlled trials or controlled clinical trials published in English, German, Hindi, Punjabi or Korean languages b) studies evaluated the effects of auditory cueing on spatiotemporal gait and/or postural stability parameters post-stroke c) studies scored ≥4 points on the PEDro scale. Out of 1,471 records, 38 studies involving 968 patients were included in this present review. The review and meta-analyses revealed beneficial effects of training with auditory cueing on gait and postural stability. A training dosage of 20–45 minutes session, for 3–5 times a week enhanced gait performance, dynamic postural stability i.e. velocity (Hedge’s g: 0.73), stride length (0.58), cadence (0.75) and timed-up and go test (−0.76). This review strongly recommends the incorporation of rhythmic auditory cueing based training in gait and postural rehabilitation, post-stroke.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2019
Appears in Collections:Philosophische Fakultät

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