Spontaneous Breaking of Spatial and Spin Symmetry in Spinor Condensates

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Scherer, M.; Luecke, B.; Gebreyesus, G.; Topic, O.; Deuretzbacher, F.; et al.: Spontaneous Breaking of Spatial and Spin Symmetry in Spinor Condensates. In: Physical Review Letters 105 (2010), Nr. 13, 135302. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.135302

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Parametric amplification of quantum fluctuations constitutes a fundamental mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking. In our experiments, a spinor condensate acts as a parametric amplifier of spin modes, resulting in a twofold spontaneous breaking of spatial and spin symmetry in the amplified clouds. Our experiments permit a precise analysis of the amplification in specific spatial Bessel-like modes, allowing for the detailed understanding of the double symmetry breaking. On resonances that create vortex-antivortex superpositions, we show that the cylindrical spatial symmetry is spontaneously broken, but phase squeezing prevents spin-symmetry breaking. If, however, nondegenerate spin modes contribute to the amplification, quantum interferences lead to spin-dependent density profiles and hence spontaneously formed patterns in the longitudinal magnetization.
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Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2010
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik

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