Towards Synthesizing Energy-efficient Controllers for Modern Production Systems from Scenario-based Specifications

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Greenyer, J.; Hansen, C.; Kotlarski, J.; Ortmaier, T.: Towards Synthesizing Energy-efficient Controllers for Modern Production Systems from Scenario-based Specifications. In: Procedia Technology 15 (2014), S. 388-397. DOI:

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Due to continuously rising electricity prices, the energy efficiency of production systems is an increasingly important factor in industrial manufacturing. One goal is therefore to reuse the braking energy of manipulator axes. The acceleration and deceleration phases of axes must be synchronized such that, ideally, the braking energy can be reused immediately within the system. In our current technique for the energy-efficient motion planning of concurrent movements of axes, we do not yet consider changing the discrete control logic to reorder movement sequences. This is difficult, since this reordering must not violate critical system requirements. In this paper, we outline a new technique for automatically synthesizing energy-efficient discrete controllers from a scenario-based specification of a production system, which we enrich with information about consumed and generated energy. Last, we provide an outlook on challenging open research problems.
License of this version: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2014
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Maschinenbau

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