First-principles theory of surface thermodynamics and kinetics

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Stampfl, C.; Kreuzer, H.J.; Payne, S.H.; Pfnür, H.; Scheffler, M.: First-principles theory of surface thermodynamics and kinetics. In: Physical Review Letters 83 (1999), Nr. 15, S. 2993-2996. DOI:

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Understanding the complex behavior of particles at surfaces requires detailed knowledge of both macroscopic and microscopic processes that take place; also certain phenomena depend critically on temperature and gas pressure. To link these processes we combine state-of-the-art microscopic, and macroscopic phenomenological, theories. We apply our theory to the O/Ru(0001) system and calculate thermal desorption spectra, heat of adsorption, and the surface phase diagram. The agreement with experiment provides validity for our approach which thus identifies the way for a predictive simulation of surface thermodynamics and kinetics. 1999 © The American Physical Society.
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Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 1999
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik

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