Fiber-optic fringe projection with crosstalk reduction by adaptive pattern masking

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Matthias, S.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.: Fiber-optic fringe projection with crosstalk reduction by adaptive pattern masking. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 10117 (2017), 101170A. DOI:

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To enable in-process inspection of industrial manufacturing processes, measuring devices need to fulfill time and space constraints, while also being robust to environmental conditions, such as high temperatures and electromagnetic fields. A new fringe projection profilometry system is being developed, which is capable of performing the inspection of filigree tool geometries, e.g. gearing elements with tip radii of 0.2 mm, inside forming machines of the sheet-bulk metal forming process. Compact gradient-index rod lenses with a diameter of 2 mm allow for a compact design of the sensor head, which is connected to a base unit via flexible high-resolution image fibers with a diameter of 1.7 mm. The base unit houses a flexible DMD based LED projector optimized for fiber coupling and a CMOS camera sensor. The system is capable of capturing up to 150 gray-scale patterns per second as well as high dynamic range images from multiple exposures. Owing to fiber crosstalk and light leakage in the image fiber, signal quality suffers especially when capturing 3-D data of technical surfaces with highly varying reflectance or surface angles. An algorithm is presented, which adaptively masks parts of the pattern to reduce these effects via multiple exposures. The masks for valid surface areas are automatically defined according to different parameters from an initial capture, such as intensity and surface gradient. In a second step, the masks are re-projected to projector coordinates using the mathematical model of the system. This approach is capable of reducing both inter-pixel crosstalk and inter-object reflections on concave objects while maintaining measurement durations of less than 5 s.
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Document Type: BookPart
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2017
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Maschinenbau

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