Detection and 3D modelling of vehicles from terrestrial stereo image pairs

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Coenen, M.; Rottensteiner, F.; Heipke, C.: Detection and 3D modelling of vehicles from terrestrial stereo image pairs. In: International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives 42 (2017), Nr. 1W1, S. 505-512. DOI:

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The detection and pose estimation of vehicles plays an important role for automated and autonomous moving objects e.g. in autonomous driving environments. We tackle that problem on the basis of street level stereo images, obtained from a moving vehicle. Processing every stereo pair individually, our approach is divided into two subsequent steps: the vehicle detection and the modelling step. For the detection, we make use of the 3D stereo information and incorporate geometric assumptions on vehicle inherent properties in a firstly applied generic 3D object detection. By combining our generic detection approach with a state of the art vehicle detector, we are able to achieve satisfying detection results with values for completeness and correctness up to more than 86%. By fitting an object specific vehicle model into the vehicle detections, we are able to reconstruct the vehicles in 3D and to derive pose estimations as well as shape parameters for each vehicle. To deal with the intra-class variability of vehicles, we make use of a deformable 3D active shape model learned from 3D CAD vehicle data in our model fitting approach. While we achieve encouraging values up to 67.2% for correct position estimations, we are facing larger problems concerning the orientation estimation. The evaluation is done by using the object detection and orientation estimation benchmark of the KITTI dataset (Geiger et al., 2012).
Lizenzbestimmungen: CC BY 3.0 Unported
Publikationstyp: Article
Publikationsstatus: publishedVersion
Erstveröffentlichung: 2017
Die Publikation erscheint in Sammlung(en):Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie

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