How to build an optical filter with an atomic vapor cell

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Uhland, D.; Dillmann, H.; Wang, Y.; Gerhardt, I.: How to build an optical filter with an atomic vapor cell. In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) 25 (2023), Nr. 12, 125001. DOI:

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The nature of atomic vapors, their natural alignment with interatomic transitions, and their ease of use make them highly suited for spectrally narrow-banded optical filters. Atomic filters come in two flavors: a filter based on the absorption of light by the Doppler broadened atomic vapor, i.e. a notch filter, and a bandpass filter based on the transmission of resonant light caused by the Faraday effect. The notch filter uses the absorption of resonant photons to filter out a small spectral band around the atomic transition. The off-resonant part of the spectrum is fully transmitted. Atomic vapors based on the Faraday effect allow for suppression of the detuned spectral fraction. Transmission of light originates from the magnetically induced rotation of linear polarized light close to an atomic resonance. This filter constellation allows selective acceptance of specific light frequencies. In this manuscript, we discuss these two types of filters and elucidate the specialties of atomic line filters. We also present a practical guide on building such filter setups from scratch and discuss an approach to achieve an almost perfect atomic spectrum backed by theoretical calculations.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2023
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik

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