The angular overlap model extended for two-open-shell f and d electrons

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Ramanantoanina, Harry; Urland, Werner; Cimpoesu, Fanica; Daul, Claude: The angular overlap model extended for two-open-shell f and d electrons. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (2014), Nr. 24, S. 12282-12290. DOI:

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We discuss the applicability of the Angular Overlap Model (AOM) to evaluate the electronic structure of lanthanide compounds, which are currently the subject of incredible interest in the field of luminescent materials. The functioning of phosphors is well established by the f–d transitions, which requires the investigation of both the ground 4fn and excited 4fn−15d1 electron configurations of the lanthanides. The computational approach to the problem is based on the effective Hamiltonian adjusted from ligand field theory, but not restricted to it. The AOM parameterization implies the chemical bonding concept. Focusing our interest on this interaction, we take the advantages offered by modern computational tools to extract AOM parameters, which ensure the transparency of the theoretical determination and convey chemical intuitiveness of the non-empirical results. The given model contributes to the understanding of lanthanides in modern phosphors with high or low site symmetry and presents a non-empirical approach using a less sophisticated computational procedure for the rather complex problem of the ligand field of both 4f and 5d open shells.
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Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2014-05-01
Appears in Collections:Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

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