Measured Response of Local, Mid-range and Far-range Discontinuities of Large Metal Groundplanes using Time Domain Techniques

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Schrader, T.; Münter, K.; Battermann, S.; Garbe, H.: Measured Response of Local, Mid-range and Far-range Discontinuities of Large Metal Groundplanes using Time Domain Techniques. In: Advances in Radio Science 3 (2005), S. 99-103. DOI:

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This work describes a method to detect and to quantify any local or mid-range discontinuity on extended flat metal planes. Often these planes are used for antenna calibration (open area test site-OATS) or the plane could be the ground of a semi-anechoic chamber used in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing. The measurement uncertainty of antenna calibration or EMC testing depends on the groundplane's quality, which can be accessed using this method. A vector network analyzer with time-domain option is used to determine the complex-valued input scattering parameter S̄11,F of an aperture antenna in a monostatic setup. S̄11,F contains the information desired about the discontinuities and is measured in the frequency domain with high dynamic range. But only after a linear filtering utilizing the Chirp-Z-Transform the obtained time-domain signal S̄11,T give clear evidence of local and mid-range discontinuities.
License of this version: CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2005
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informatik

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