LaSER: Language-specific event recommendation

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Abdollahi, S.; Gottschalk, S.; Demidova, E.: LaSER: Language-specific event recommendation. In: Web Semantics : Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web 75 (2023), 100759. DOI:

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Kleine Vorschau
While societal events often impact people worldwide, a significant fraction of events has a local focus that primarily affects specific language communities. Examples include national elections, the development of the Coronavirus pandemic in different countries, and local film festivals such as the César Awards in France and the Moscow International Film Festival in Russia. However, existing entity recommendation approaches do not sufficiently address the language context of recommendation. This article introduces the novel task of language-specific event recommendation, which aims to recommend events relevant to the user query in the language-specific context. This task can support essential information retrieval activities, including web navigation and exploratory search, considering the language context of user information needs. We propose LaSER, a novel approach toward language-specific event recommendation. LaSER blends the language-specific latent representations (embeddings) of entities and events and spatio-temporal event features in a learning to rank model. This model is trained on publicly available Wikipedia Clickstream data. The results of our user study demonstrate that LaSER outperforms state-of-the-art recommendation baselines by up to 33 percentage points in MAP@5 concerning the language-specific relevance of recommended events.
Lizenzbestimmungen: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Publikationstyp: Article
Publikationsstatus: publishedVersion
Erstveröffentlichung: 2023
Die Publikation erscheint in Sammlung(en):Forschungszentren

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Pos. Land Downloads
Anzahl Proz.
1 image of flag of Germany Germany 14 38,89%
2 image of flag of United States United States 11 30,56%
3 image of flag of Netherlands Netherlands 5 13,89%
4 image of flag of Ireland Ireland 1 2,78%
5 image of flag of Indonesia Indonesia 1 2,78%
6 image of flag of Europe Europe 1 2,78%
7 image of flag of Spain Spain 1 2,78%
8 image of flag of China China 1 2,78%
9 image of flag of Canada Canada 1 2,78%

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