Interlinking documents based on semantic graphs

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Nunes, B.P.; Kawase, R.; Fetahu, B.; Dietze, S.; Casanova, M.A. et al.: Interlinking documents based on semantic graphs. In: Watada, J.; Jain, L.C.; Howlett, R.J.; Mukai, N.o; Asakura, K. (Eds.): 17th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems : (KES 2013). Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2013 (Procedia computer science ; 22), S. 231-240. DOI:

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Connectivity and relatedness of Web resources are two concepts that define to what extent different parts are connected or related to one another. Measuring connectivity and relatedness between Web resources is a growing field of research, often the starting point of recommender systems. Although relatedness is liable to subjective interpretations, connectivity is not. Given the Semantic Web's ability of linking Web resources, connectivity can be measured by exploiting the links between entities. Further, these connections can be exploited to uncover relationships between Web resources. In this paper, we apply and expand a relationship assessment methodology from social network theory to measure the connectivity between documents. The connectivity measures are used to identify connected and related Web resources. Our approach is able to expose relations that traditional text-based approaches fail to identify. We validate and assess our proposed approaches through an evaluation on a real world dataset, where results show that the proposed techniques outperform state of the art approaches.
License of this version: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Unported
Document Type: BookPart
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2013
Appears in Collections:Forschungszentren

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