The Headphone and Loudspeaker Test – Part I: Suggestions for controlling characteristics of playback devices in internet experiments

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Wycisk, Y.; Kopiez, R.; Bergner, J.; Sander, K.; Preihs, S. et al.: The Headphone and Loudspeaker Test – Part I: Suggestions for controlling characteristics of playback devices in internet experiments. In: Behavior research methods : BRM 55 (2023), S. 1094–1107. DOI:

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In internet experiments on auditory perception, playback devices may be a confounding variable reducing internal validity. A procedure to remotely test multiple characteristics of playback devices does not currently exist. Thus, the main goals of this study were to (i) develop and (ii) evaluate a comprehensive, efficient, and easy-to-handle test procedure for the reliable control and identification of playback device characteristics in online experiments. Based on a counting task paradigm, the first part of the Headphone and Loudspeaker Test (HALT–Part I) was developed with which researchers can standardize sound level adjustments, detect stereo/mono playback, and assess lower frequency limits. In a laboratory study (N = 40), HALT–Part I was evaluated with four playback devices (circumaural and intra-aural headphones; external and laptop loudspeakers). Beforehand, the acoustical properties of all playback devices had been measured (e.g., sound pressure level, frequency response, total harmonic distortion). The analysis suggested that HALT–Part I has high test–retest reliability (rtt =.90 for level adjustment and rtt =.79 for stereo/mono detection) and is an efficient (3.5 minutes for completion) method to remotely test playback devices and listening conditions (sound level, stereo/mono playback). The procedure can help improve data quality in internet experiments. © 2022, The Author(s).
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2022
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informatik

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