Towards mode-multiplexed fiber sensors : An investigation on the spectral response of etched Graded Index OM4 multi-mode fiber with Bragg grating for refractive index and temperature measurement

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Bremer, K.; Alwis, L.S.M.; Zheng, Y.; Roth, B.W.: Towards mode-multiplexed fiber sensors : An investigation on the spectral response of etched Graded Index OM4 multi-mode fiber with Bragg grating for refractive index and temperature measurement. In: Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 10 (2020), Nr. 1, 337. DOI:

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An investigation on the feasibility of utilizing Mode Division Multiplexing (MDM) for simultaneous measurement of Surrounding Refractive Index (SRI) and temperature using a single sensor element based on an etched OM4 Graded Index Multi Mode Fiber (GI-MMF) with an integrated fiber Bragg Grating (BG), is presented. The proposed work is focused on the concept of principle mode groups (PMGs) generated by the OM4 GI-MMF whose response to SRI and temperature would be different and thus discrimination of the said two parameters can be achieved simultaneously via a single sensor element. Results indicate that the response of all PMGs to temperature to be equal, i.e., 11.4 pm/°C, while the response to SRI depends on each PMG. Thus, it is evident that temperature "de-coupled" SRI measurement can be achieved by deducing the temperature effects experienced by the sensor element. Sensitivity of the PMGs to applied SRI varied from 3.04 nm/RIU to of 0.22 nm/RIU from the highest to lowest PMG, respectively. The results verify that it is feasible to obtain dual measurement of SRI and temperature simultaneously using the same, i.e., single, sensing element. © 2020 by authors.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2020
Appears in Collections:Forschungszentren

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