Contiguous Quaternary Carbons : A Selection of Total Syntheses

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Eggert, A.; Etling, C.; Lübken, D.; Saxarra, M.; Kalesse, M.: Contiguous Quaternary Carbons : A Selection of Total Syntheses. In: Molecules 25 (2020), Nr. 17, 3841. DOI:

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Contiguous quaternary carbons in terpene natural products remain a major challenge in total synthesis. Synthetic strategies to overcome this challenge will be a pivotal prerequisite to the medicinal application of natural products and their analogs or derivatives. In this review, we cover syntheses of natural products that exhibit a dense assembly of quaternary carbons and whose syntheses were uncompleted until recently. While discussing their syntheses, we not only cover the most recent total syntheses but also provide an update on the status quo of modern syntheses of complex natural products. Herein, we review (±)-canataxpropellane, (+)-waihoensene, (–)-illisimonin A and (±)-11-O-debenzoyltashironin as prominent examples of natural products bearing contiguous quaternary carbons. © 2020 by the authors.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2020
Appears in Collections:Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

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