Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Quantencomputer"

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  • Beer, Kerstin (Hannover : Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2022)
    Quantum computing is one of the most exciting research areas of the last decades. At the same time, methods of machine learning have started to dominate science, industry and our everyday life. In this thesis we combine ...
  • Halama, Sebastian (Hannover : Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2021)
    Scaling up the number of qubits for quantum simulation and quantum computation and reaching a low error rate of the involved quantum logic operations are the major challenges in the development of a fault-tolerant universal ...
  • Dubielzig, Timko (Hannover : Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2021)
    Trapped ions are one of the leading platforms for building scalable quantum information processors. Current ion traps run on less than 100 qubits. A useful quantum computer needs to operate thousands or even millions of ...