Do Recall Elections Undermine Political Support? Insights from the Recall of the Mayor of Frankfurt in 2022

Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.identifier.uri Springer, Frederik eng Klein, Markus eng Kühling, Christoph eng 2024-02-06T15:06:38Z 2024-02-06T15:06:38Z 2024-01-31
dc.identifier.citation Springer, Frederik; Klein, Markus; Kühling, Christoph: Do Recall Elections Undermine Political Support? Insights from the Recall of the Mayor of Frankfurt in 2022. In: German Politics (2024), online first. DOI: eng
dc.description.abstract Concerns about the impact of recall referendums on political support have not been empirically examined so far. For this purpose, we conducted a postelection survey of around 800 respondents in Frankfurt after the mayoral election in March 2023 which followed a successful recall in November 2022. First, there is overwhelming support for recall elections, with 87% of respondents in favour. Even supporters of the recalled candidate rarely dislike the instrument and see little need for electoral reform. Second, only a few respondents are concerned about the impact of recalls on political support, but when they are, it often leads them to disapprove of recalls. Third, political support by the recall electoral losers – as measured by satisfaction with democracy and turnout in the successor election – is at worst only slightly reduced. Taken together, these findings do not suggest that recalls damage people’s views of the political system. eng
dc.language.iso eng eng
dc.publisher London : Taylor and Francis
dc.relation.ispartofseries German Politics eng
dc.rights CC BY 4.0 Unported eng
dc.rights.uri eng
dc.subject Recall eng
dc.subject Mayor eng
dc.subject Political Support eng
dc.subject Satisfaction with Democracy eng
dc.subject Abwahlverfahren ger
dc.subject Bürgermeister ger
dc.subject Recall ger
dc.subject Politische Unterstützung ger
dc.subject Demokratiezufriedenheit ger
dc.subject.ddc 300 | Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie eng
dc.title Do Recall Elections Undermine Political Support? Insights from the Recall of the Mayor of Frankfurt in 2022 eng
dc.type Article eng
dc.type Text eng
dc.relation.essn 1743-8993
dc.relation.issn 0964-4008
dc.relation.doi 10.1080/09644008.2024.2308891
dc.description.version publishedVersion eng
tib.accessRights frei zug�nglich eng
dc.bibliographicCitation.journalTitle German Politics eng

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