Recent advances in niobium-based materials for photocatalytic solar fuel production

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Nunes, Barbara Nascimento; Lopes, Osmando Ferreira; Patrocinio, Antonio Otavio T.; Bahnemann, Detlef W.: Recent advances in niobium-based materials for photocatalytic solar fuel production. In: Catalysts 10 (2020), Nr. 1, 126. DOI:

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The search for renewable and clean energy sources is a key aspect for sustainable development as energy consumption has continuously increased over the years concomitantly with environmental concerns caused by the use of fossil fuels. Semiconductor materials have great potential for acting as photocatalysts for solar fuel production, a potential energy source able to solve both energy and environmental concerns. Among the studied semiconductor materials, those based on niobium pentacation are still shallowly explored, although the number of publications and patents on Nb(V)-based photocatalysts has increased in the last years. A large variety of Nb(V)-based materials exhibit suitable electronic/morphological properties for light-driving reactions. Not only the extensive group of Nb2O5 polymorphs is explored, but also many types of layered niobates, mixed oxides, and Nb(V)-doped semiconductors. Therefore, the aim of this manuscript is to provide a review of the latest developments of niobium based photocatalysts for energy conversion into fuels, more specifically, CO2 reduction to hydrocarbons or H2 eVolution from water. Additionally, the main strategies for improving the photocatalytic performance of niobium-based materials are discussed.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2020
Appears in Collections:Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

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