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Ayala, Paola; Huang, Hsin Ju; Kardaras, Georgios; Ninou, Aikaterini: Double Trouble. In: Greinke, L.; Snieg, F.; Lava, R.; Pagonis, T. (Eds.): Urban Resilience, Governance and Climate Change. Coping with the consequences of climate change in Hanover, Germany. Hannover : Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2019, S. 189-210. DOI:

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Sum total of downloads: 155

Maintaining the function of the systems and recovering from shocks or chronic stresses is what, nowadays, refers to Urban Resilience. Resilience is a term derived from the Latin verb resilire, which means bounce. It was used as a synonym of resistance in different contexts such as medical, psychological, among others. However, since the 1980s, the concept of resilience was mostly associated with the ecological field and referred to as the capability of dealing with catastrophes (Fooken 2016: 13ff; Voss & Dittmer 2016: 179ff; Wink 2016: 1ff). Currently, it is a topic frequently discussed worldwide due to the Anthropocene, which is aggravating climate change at an accelerated pace. In this context, the term is used to emphasize the constant symbiosis between humans and nature (Prominski 2014: 6ff). The approach of this paper tackles flood risks in a specific neighborhood in the city of Hannover. For that matter, historic events and actions implemented by the municipality, as well as the study of data provided, will be mentioned in this document. After going through a research and discussion phase, the intention is to develop guidelines and propose design strategies to address flood threats at the study case site.
License of this version: CC BY 3.0 DE
Document Type: BookPart
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2019
Appears in Collections:Urban Resilience, Governance and Climate Change. Coping with the consequences of climate change in Hanover, Germany

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pos. country downloads
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1 image of flag of Germany Germany 89 57.42%
2 image of flag of United States United States 29 18.71%
3 image of flag of China China 7 4.52%
4 image of flag of Russian Federation Russian Federation 4 2.58%
5 image of flag of India India 3 1.94%
6 image of flag of Netherlands Netherlands 2 1.29%
7 image of flag of Indonesia Indonesia 2 1.29%
8 image of flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 2 1.29%
9 image of flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 2 1.29%
10 image of flag of Belgium Belgium 2 1.29%
    other countries 13 8.39%

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