Tr-Island - Combating Urban Heat Islands in the City Centre in Hanover

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Menking, Kendra; Rutikanga, Fabrice: Tr-Island - Combating Urban Heat Islands in the City Centre in Hanover. In: Greinke, L.; Snieg, F.; Lava, R.; Pagonis, T. (Eds.): Urban Resilience, Governance and Climate Change. Coping with the consequences of climate change in Hanover, Germany. Hannover : Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2019, S. 125-146. DOI:

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Sum total of downloads: 272

As part of the HeKris research and exchange, this paper presents a creative proposal in dealing with the issue of urban heat islands in the city centre of Hannover. The area in question is essentially fragmented due to heat island effects making some streets and connecting roads unbearable to walk through. By utilising the old tram infrastructure on Prinzenstraße and Schiffgraben, the project unifies the area and creates a more attractive public realm network. The introduction of vegetation and water elements in urban areas was found beneficial to reduce the heat island effect significantly. The paper further emphasises the importance of a comprehensive urban governance-oriented implementation process and recommends the introduction of a resilience-focused action programme to achieving sustainable urban development in and around Hanover.
License of this version: CC BY 3.0 DE
Document Type: BookPart
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2019
Appears in Collections:Urban Resilience, Governance and Climate Change. Coping with the consequences of climate change in Hanover, Germany

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1 image of flag of Germany Germany 175 64.34%
2 image of flag of United States United States 23 8.46%
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5 image of flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 7 2.57%
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7 image of flag of India India 6 2.21%
8 image of flag of Russian Federation Russian Federation 5 1.84%
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    other countries 26 9.56%

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