Urban climate evaluation for city planning

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Katzschner, Lutz; Kupski, Sebastian: Urban climate evaluation for city planning. In: Greinke, L.; Snieg, F.; Lava, R.; Pagonis, T. (Eds.): Urban Resilience, Governance and Climate Change. Coping with the consequences of climate change in Hanover, Germany. Hannover : Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2019, S. 57-66. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15488/6750

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Over the last 40 years, there has been an increasing amount of world interest on urban climatic map (UCMap) Studies. Up to now, there are over 15 countries around the world processing their own Climatic Maps, developing urban climatic guidelines and implementing mitigation measures for local planning practices. Facing the global issue of climate change, it is also necessary to factor the climatic consolidations holistically and strategically into the planning process. In the literature, the latest concepts are mentioned. Key methodologies, selected parameters, structure and making procedures, mitigation countermeasures and climatic recommendations of urban climatic map studies ware described. More than 30 relevant studies around the world are cited, and both significant developments and remaining problems are discussed. The review noted that the thermal environment and the air ventilation condition within the urban canopy layer play the most important role in the analytical aspects and climatic-environmental evaluation. It is also noted that possible mitigation measures and planned action can include decreasing anthropogenic heat release, improving air ventilation at pedestrian level, providing more shaded areas, increasing greenery, creating air paths, and controlling building construction. Future research should be focused on the spatial analysis of human thermal comfort in urban outdoor areas and climate change impacts and adaptation. It is also important to share the learned lessons and experiences with planners and policymakers in the rapidly expanding cities of the developing countries and regions.
License of this version: CC BY 3.0 DE
Document Type: BookPart
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2019
Appears in Collections:Urban Resilience, Governance and Climate Change. Coping with the consequences of climate change in Hanover, Germany

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    other countries 48 9.38%

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