Modelling forest snow processes with a new version of WaSiM

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Förster, K.; Garvelmann, J.; Meißl, G.; Strasser, U.: Modelling forest snow processes with a new version of WaSiM. In: Hydrological Sciences Journal 63 (2018), Nr. 10, S. 1540-1557. DOI:

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Sum total of downloads: 496

We present a new model extension for the Water balance Simulation Model, WaSiM, which features (i) snow interception and (ii) modified meteorological conditions under coniferous forest canopies, complementing recently developed model extensions for particular mountain hydrological processes. Two study areas in Austria and Germany are considered in this study. To supplement and constrain the modelling experiments with on-site observations, a network of terrestrial time-lapse cameras was set up in one of these catchments. The spatiotemporal patterns of snow depth inside the forest and at the adjacent open field sites were recorded along with snow interception dynamics. Comparison of observed and modelled snow cover and canopy interception indicates that the new version of WaSiM reliably reconstructs the variability of snow accumulation for both the forest and the open field. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency computed for selected runoff events in spring increases from −0.68 to 0.71 and 0.21 to 0.87, respectively.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2018
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie

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pos. country downloads
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1 image of flag of Germany Germany 379 76.41%
2 image of flag of United States United States 69 13.91%
3 image of flag of China China 9 1.81%
4 image of flag of France France 5 1.01%
5 image of flag of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of 4 0.81%
6 image of flag of India India 4 0.81%
7 image of flag of Austria Austria 4 0.81%
8 image of flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 3 0.60%
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    other countries 15 3.02%

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