Age an origin of the "Mexican Onyx" at San Antonio Texcala (Puebla, Mexico)

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Michalzik, Dieter; Fischer, Rudolf; Hernandez, Delfino; Oezen, Deniz: Age an origin of the "Mexican Onyx" at San Antonio Texcala (Puebla, Mexico). In: Dierk-Henningsen-Festschrift / Immo Schülke (Hrsg.). – Hannover : Universität Hannover. Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, 2001 (Geologische Beiträge Hannover ; 2), S. 79-89. ISSN 1615-6684

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A great variety of color banded CaC03 is known as „Mexican Onyx“, and is extensively used for ornamental purposes. Within the San Antonio Texcala mining district an area of about 24.000 m2 is covered by a thick travertine crust with a calculated volume of at least 2,8 x 1061. It originates from warm waters that emerge on young fissures and faults. It seems to be likely that the travertine formation is related to the hydrothermal activity of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt and to the seismicity of this zone. The deposit is built up by different travertine varieties. The main lithotypes are: (1) dense crystalline laminated travertine; (2) ray crystal travertine; (3) shrub layer travertine; (4) irregular porous travertine; (5) travertine breccia. Textural variation seems to be related to water temperature/distance from the emergence point, rapid or slow degassing of CO, and bacterial influence. At the moment, a light green banded variety (native sulfur impurities) is mined. It is the facture fill of a morphological prominent fissure-ridge travertine. U/Th data indicate, that the travertine has been deposited since at least 52 + 5 ka.
License of this version: CC BY 3.0 Unported
Document Type: BookPart
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2001
Appears in Collections:Geologische Beiträge Hannover

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