Maximization of markers linked in coupling for tetraploid potatoes via monoparental haploids

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Bartkiewicz, A.M.; Chilla, F.; Terefe-Ayana, D.; Lübeck, J.; Strahwald, J. et al.: Maximization of markers linked in coupling for tetraploid potatoes via monoparental haploids. In: Frontiers in Plant Science 9 (2018), 620. DOI:

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Haploid potato populations derived from a single tetraploid donor constitute an efficient strategy to analyze markers segregating from a single donor genotype. Analysis of marker segregation in populations derived from crosses between polysomic tetraploids is complicated by a maximum of eight segregating alleles, multiple dosages of the markers and problems related to linkage analysis of marker segregation in repulsion. Here, we present data on two monoparental haploid populations generated by prickle pollination of two tetraploid cultivars with Solanum phureja and genotyped with the 12.8k SolCAP single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) array. We showthat in a population of monoparental haploids, the number of biallelic SNP markers segregating in linkage to loci from the tetraploid donor genotype is much larger than in putative crosses of this genotype to a diverse selection of 125 tetraploid cultivars. Although this strategy is more laborious than conventional breeding, the generation of haploid progeny for efficient marker analysis is straightforward if morphological markers and flow cytometry are utilized to select true haploid progeny. The level of introgressed fragments from S. phureja, the haploid inducer, is very low, supporting its suitability for genetic analysis. Mapping with single-dose markers allowed the analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for four phenotypic traits. © 2018 Bartkiewicz, Chilla, Terefe-Ayana, Lübeck, Strahwald, Tacke, Hofferbert, Linde and Debener.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2018
Appears in Collections:Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

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