Nonequilibrium structure of Zn 2SnO 4 spinel nanoparticles

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Šepelák, V.; Becker, S.M.; Bergmann, I.; Indris, S.; Scheuermann, M. et al.: Nonequilibrium structure of Zn 2SnO 4 spinel nanoparticles. In: Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (2012), Nr. 7, S. 3117-3126. DOI:

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Zinc stannate (Zn 2SnO 4) nanoparticles with an average size of about 26 nm are synthesized via single-step mechanochemical processing of binary oxide precursors (ZnO and SnO 2) at ambient temperature, without the need for the subsequent calcination, thus making the synthesis route very simple and cost-effective. The mechanically induced phase evolution of the 2ZnO + SnO 2 mixture is followed by XRD and by a variety of spectroscopic techniques including 119Sn MAS NMR, Raman spectroscopy, 119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy, and XPS. High-resolution TEM studies reveal a non-uniform structure of mechanosynthesized Zn 2SnO 4 nanoparticles consisting of a crystalline core surrounded by a structurally disordered surface shell. Due to the ability of the applied solid-state spectroscopies to probe the local environment of Sn cations, valuable complementary insight into the nature of the local structural disorder of mechanosynthesized Zn 2SnO 4 is obtained. The findings hint at a highly nonequilibrium state of the as-prepared stannate characterized by its partly inverse spinel structure and the presence of deformed polyhedra in the surface shell of nanoparticles. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2012
Appears in Collections:Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

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