Correlated motion of electrons on the Au(111) surface: Anomalous acoustic surface-plasmon dispersion and single-particle excitations

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Vattuone, L.; Smerieri, M.; Langer, T.; Tegenkamp, C.; Pfnür, H. et al.: Correlated motion of electrons on the Au(111) surface: Anomalous acoustic surface-plasmon dispersion and single-particle excitations. In: Physical Review Letters 110 (2013), Nr. 12, No. 127405. DOI:

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The linear dispersion of the low-dimensional acoustic surface plasmon (ASP) opens perspectives in energy conversion, transport, and confinement far below optical frequencies. Although the ASP exists in a wide class of materials, ranging from metal surfaces and ultrathin films to graphene and topological insulators, its properties are still largely unexplored. Taking Au(111) as a model system, our combined experimental and theoretical study revealed an intriguing interplay between collective and single particle excitations, causing the ASP associated with the Shockley surface state to be embedded within the intraband transitions without losing its sharp character and linear dispersion. © 2013 American Physical Society.
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Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2013
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik

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