Stability of interlocked pattern placed block revetments

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Gier, F.; Schüttrumpf, H.; Mönnich, J.; Van Der Meer, J.; Kudella, M.; Rubin, H.: Stability of interlocked pattern placed block revetments. In: Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference (2012). DOI:

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Revetments protect the shorelines of coasts, estuaries and rivers against wind waves, ship waves, currents and ice attacks. The resistance of revetments basically depends on the properties of the cover layer. In the case of an interlocked pattern placed revetment the resistance essentially depends on the weight of the individual blocks, the friction forces and the interlocking force. In this study, extensive large scale model tests have been performed to assess the hydraulic stability of interlocked pattern placed revetments. The study shows test results due to deformations, wave loading and pull-out tests. Overall, the experimental results show a significant increase in the structural stability of the revetment against wave attack due to the interlocking system compared to traditional revetment elements.
License of this version: CC BY 3.0 US
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2012
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie

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