Training and minimum wages: first evidence from the introduction of the minimum wage in Germany

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Bellmann, L.; Bossler, M.; Gerner, H.-D.; Hübler, O.: Training and minimum wages: first evidence from the introduction of the minimum wage in Germany. In: IZA Journal of Labor Economics 6 (2017), Nr. 1, 8. DOI:

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We analyze the short-run impact of the introduction of the new statutory minimum wage in Germany on further training at the workplace level. Applying difference-in-difference methods to data from the IAB Establishment Panel, we do not find a reduction in the training incidence but a slight reduction in the intensity of training at treated establishments. Effect heterogeneities reveal that the negative impact is mostly driven by employer-financed training. On the worker level, we observe a reduction of training for medium- and high-skilled employees but no significant effects on the training of low-skilled employees.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2017
Appears in Collections:Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät

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pos. country downloads
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1 image of flag of Germany Germany 143 72.59%
2 image of flag of United States United States 36 18.27%
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5 image of flag of Poland Poland 1 0.51%
6 image of flag of India India 1 0.51%
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    other countries 4 2.03%

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