Direct hot embossing of microelements by means of photostructurable polyimide

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Akin, M.; Rezem, M.; Rahlves, M.; Cromwell, K.; Roth, B. et al.: Direct hot embossing of microelements by means of photostructurable polyimide. In: Journal of Micro/ Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 15 (2016), Nr. 3, 34506. DOI:

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While automatic hot embossing systems are available for large- and small-scale productions of polymeric devices, one of the process challenges remains to be the manufacturing of precise, durable, and yet inexpensive hot embossing stamps. The use of metallic stamps manufactured by electroplating a photoresist pattern or by precision milling and their replication into silicone molds with UV-lithography, electroplating, and molding techniques is state of the art. Yet, there have been few, if any, thriving attempts to directly emboss polymers by means of bare photoresists, and in particular polyimide-based photoresists, without transferring the photoresist patterns into a different stamp material. We conduct a proof-of-concept by developing hot embossing stamps based on photosensitive polyimide. We focus primarily on the reliability of the aforementioned stamps throughout the hot embossing cycle and the fidelity of pattern transfer onto polymeric films for different microstructural patterns. © 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
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Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2016
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Maschinenbau

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