Characterization of multiterminal tandem photovoltaic devices and their subcell coupling

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Geisz, J.F.; McMahon, W.E.; Buencuerpo, J.; Young, M.S.; Rienäcker, M. et al.: Characterization of multiterminal tandem photovoltaic devices and their subcell coupling. In: Cell Reports Physical Science 2 (2021), Nr. 12, 100677. DOI:

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Three-terminal (3T) and four-terminal (4T) tandem photovoltaic (PV) devices using various materials have been increasingly reported in the literature, but measurement standards are lacking. Here, multiterminal devices measured as functions of two load variables are characterized unambiguously as functions of three device voltages or currents on hexagonal plots. We demonstrate these measurement techniques using two GaInP/GaAs tandem solar cells, with a middle contact between the two subcells, as example 3T devices with both series-connected and reverse-connected subcells. Coupling mechanisms between the subcells are quantified within the context of a simple equivalent optoelectronic circuit. Electrical and optical coupling mechanisms are most clearly revealed using coupled dark measurements. These measurements are sensitive enough to observe very small luminescent coupling from the bottom subcell to the top subcell in the prototype 3T device. Quick simplified measurement techniques are also discussed within the context of the complete characterization.
License of this version: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2021
Appears in Collections:An-Institute

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