Morphology control of zinc oxide films via polysaccharide-mediated, low temperature, chemical bath deposition

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Waltz, Florian; Schwarz, Hans-Christoph; Schneider, Andreas M.; Eiden, Stefanie; Behrens, Peter: Morphology control of zinc oxide films via polysaccharide-mediated, low temperature, chemical bath deposition. In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 6 (2015), S. 799-808. DOI:

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In this study we present a three-step process for the low-temperature chemical bath deposition of crystalline ZnO films on glass substrates. The process consists of a seeding step followed by two chemical bath deposition steps. In the second step (the first of the two bath deposition steps), a natural polysaccharide, namely hyaluronic acid, is used to manipulate the morphology of the films. Previous experiments revealed a strong influence of this polysaccharide on the formation of zinc oxide crystallites. The present work aims to transfer this gained knowledge to the formation of zinc oxide films. The influence of hyaluronic acid and the time of its addition on the morphology of the resulting ZnO film were investigated. By meticulous adjustment of the parameters in this step, the film morphology can be tailored to provide an optimal growth platform for the third step (a subsequent chemical bath deposition step). In this step, the film is covered by a dense layer of ZnO. This optimized procedure leads to ZnO films with a very high electrical conductivity, opening up interesting possibilities for applications of such films. The films were characterized by means of electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and measurements of the electrical conductivity.
License of this version: CC BY 2.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2015
Appears in Collections:Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

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