Many-body bound states and induced interactions of charged impurities in a bosonic bath

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Astrakharchik, G.E.; Ardila, L.A.P; Jachymski, K.; Negretti, A.: Many-body bound states and induced interactions of charged impurities in a bosonic bath. In: Nature Communications 14 (2023), 1647. DOI:

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Induced interactions and bound states of charge carriers immersed in a quantum medium are crucial for the investigation of quantum transport. Ultracold atom-ion systems can provide a convenient platform for studying this problem. Here, we investigate the static properties of one and two ionic impurities in a bosonic bath using quantum Monte Carlo methods. We identify three bipolaronic regimes depending on the strength of the atom-ion potential and the number of its two-body bound states: a perturbative regime resembling the situation of a pair of neutral impurities, a non-perturbative regime that loses the quasi-particle character of the former, and a many-body bound state regime that can arise only in the presence of a bound state in the two-body potential. We further reveal strong bath-induced interactions between the two ionic polarons. Our findings show that numerical simulations are indispensable for describing highly correlated impurity models.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2023
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik

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