In Situ TEM Imaging of Solution-Phase Chemical Reactions Using 2D-Heterostructure Mixing Cells

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Kelly, D.J.; Clark, N.; Zhou, M.; Gebauer, D.; Gorbachev, R.V. et al.: In Situ TEM Imaging of Solution-Phase Chemical Reactions Using 2D-Heterostructure Mixing Cells. In: Advanced Materials 33 (2021), Nr. 29, 2100668. DOI:

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Liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy is used to study a wide range of chemical processes, where its unique combination of spatial and temporal resolution provides countless insights into nanoscale reaction dynamics. However, achieving sub-nanometer resolution has proved difficult due to limitations in the current liquid cell designs. Here, a novel experimental platform for in situ mixing using a specially developed 2D heterostructure-based liquid cell is presented. The technique facilitates in situ atomic resolution imaging and elemental analysis, with mixing achieved within the immediate viewing area via controllable nanofracture of an atomically thin separation membrane. This novel technique is used to investigate the time evolution of calcium carbonate synthesis, from the earliest stages of nanodroplet precursors to crystalline calcite in a single experiment. The observations provide the first direct visual confirmation of the recently developed liquid-liquid phase separation theory, while the technological advancements open an avenue for many other studies of early stage solution-phase reactions of great interest for both the exploration of fundamental science and developing applications.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2021
Appears in Collections:Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

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