Revisiting coupling selection rules in heterotic orbifold models

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Kobayashi, T.; Parameswaran, S.L.; Ramos-Sánchez, S.; Zavala, I.: Revisiting coupling selection rules in heterotic orbifold models. In: Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (2012), Nr. 5, 8. DOI:

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We study L-point couplings between twisted sector fields in heterotic orbifold compactifications, using conformal field theory. Selection rules provide an easy way to identify which couplings are non-vanishing. Those used in the current literature are gauge invariance, R-charge conservation and the space group selection rule, but they are not the whole story. We revive and refine a fourth selection rule, due to symmetries in the underlying torus lattice, and introduce a fifth one, due to the existence or not of classical worldsheet instanton solutions to mediate the couplings. We consider briefly the phenomenological consequences of the additional rules, in particular for recent orbifold constructions whose field content correspond to that of the MSSM. The structure of the exotic mass matrices is unaltered and many dimension-5 proton-decay operators vanish.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2012
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik

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