Biomechanical traits of salt marsh vegetation are insensitive to future climate scenarios

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Paul, M.; Bischoff, C.; Koop-Jakobsen, K.: Biomechanical traits of salt marsh vegetation are insensitive to future climate scenarios. In: Scientific reports 12 (2022), 21272. DOI:

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Salt marshes provide wave and flow attenuation, making them attractive for coastal protection. It is necessary to predict their coastal protection capacity in the future, when climate change will increase hydrodynamic forcing and environmental parameters such as water temperature and CO2 content. We exposed the European salt marsh species Spartina anglica and Elymus athericus to enhanced water temperature (+ 3°) and CO2 (800 ppm) levels in a mesocosm experiment for 13 weeks in a full factorial design. Afterwards, the effect on biomechanic vegetation traits was assessed. These traits affect the interaction of vegetation with hydrodynamic forcing, forming the basis for wave and flow attenuation. Elymus athericus did not respond to any of the treatments suggesting that it is insensitive to such future climate changes. Spartina anglica showed an increase in diameter and flexural rigidity, while Young’s bending modulus and breaking force did not differ between treatments. Despite some differences between the future climate scenario and present conditions, all values lie within the natural trait ranges for the two species. Consequently, this mesocosm study suggests that the capacity of salt marshes to provide coastal protection is likely to remain constantly high and will only be affected by future changes in hydrodynamic forcing.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2022
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie

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