The June 2020 Aniangzhai landslide in Sichuan Province, Southwest China: slope instability analysis from radar and optical satellite remote sensing data

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Xia, Z.; Motagh, M.; Li, T.; Roessner, S.: The June 2020 Aniangzhai landslide in Sichuan Province, Southwest China: slope instability analysis from radar and optical satellite remote sensing data. In: Landslides 19 (2022), Nr. 2, S. 313-329. DOI:

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A large, deep-seated ancient landslide was partially reactivated on 17 June 2020 close to the Aniangzhai village of Danba County in Sichuan Province of Southwest China. It was initiated by undercutting of the toe of this landslide resulting from increased discharge of the Xiaojinchuan River caused by the failure of a landslide dam, which had been created by the debris flow originating from the Meilong valley. As a result, 12 townships in the downstream area were endangered leading to the evacuation of more than 20000 people. This study investigated the Aniangzhai landslide area by optical and radar satellite remote sensing techniques. A horizontal displacement map produced using cross-correlation of high-resolution optical images from Planet shows a maximum horizontal motion of approximately 15 meters for the slope failure between the two acquisitions. The undercutting effects on the toe of the landslide are clearly revealed by exploiting optical data and field surveys, indicating the direct influence of the overflow from the landslide dam and water release from a nearby hydropower station on the toe erosion. Pre-disaster instability analysis using a stack of SAR data from Sentinel-1 between 2014 and 2020 suggests that the Aniangzhai landslide has long been active before the failure, with the largest annual LOS deformation rate more than 50 mm/yr. The 3-year wet period that followed a relative drought year in 2016 resulted in a 14% higher average velocity in 2018–2020, in comparison to the rate in 2014–2017. A detailed analysis of slope surface kinematics in different parts of the landslide indicates that temporal changes in precipitation are mainly correlated with kinematics of motion at the head part of the failure body, where an accelerated creep is observed since spring 2020 before the large failure. Overall, this study provides an example of how full exploitation of optical and radar satellite remote sensing data can be used for a comprehensive analysis of destabilization and reactivation of an ancient landslide in response to a complex cascading event chain in the transition zone between the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the Sichuan Basin. © 2021, The Author(s).
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2022
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie

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