Law-invariant functionals that collapse to the mean

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Bellini, F.; Koch-Medina, P.; Munari, C.; Svindland, G.: Law-invariant functionals that collapse to the mean. In: Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 98 (2021), S. 83-91. DOI:

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We discuss when law-invariant convex functionals “collapse to the mean”. More precisely, we show that, in a large class of spaces of random variables and under mild semicontinuity assumptions, the expectation functional is, up to an affine transformation, the only law-invariant convex functional that is linear along the direction of a nonconstant random variable with nonzero expectation. This extends results obtained in the literature in a bounded setting and under additional assumptions on the functionals. We illustrate the implications of our general results for pricing rules and risk measures. © 2021 The Author(s)
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2021
Appears in Collections:Juristische Fakultät

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