From Spin Glasses to Negative-Weight Percolation

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Hartmann, A.K.; Melchert, O.; Norrenbrock, C.: From Spin Glasses to Negative-Weight Percolation. In: Entropy : an international and interdisciplinary journal of entropy and information studies 21 (2019), Nr. 2, 193. DOI:

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Spin glasses are prototypical random systems modelling magnetic alloys. One important way to investigate spin glass models is to study domain walls. For two dimensions, this can be algorithmically understood as the calculation of a shortest path, which allows for negative distances or weights. This led to the creation of the negative weight percolation (NWP) model, which is presented here along with all necessary basics from spin glasses, graph theory and corresponding algorithms. The algorithmic approach involves a mapping to the classical matching problem for graphs. In addition, a summary of results is given, which were obtained during the past decade. This includes the study of percolation transitions in dimension from d=2 up to and beyond the upper critical dimension du=6 , also for random graphs. It is shown that NWP is in a different universality class than standard percolation. Furthermore, the question of whether NWP exhibits properties of Stochastic–Loewner Evolution is addressed and recent results for directed NWP are presented.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2019
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik

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