Gender Norms, Sexuality and Post-socialist Identity : Does Migration Matter?

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Gewinner, I.: Gender Norms, Sexuality and Post-socialist Identity: Does Migration Matter?. In: Sexuality and Culture 24 (2020), S. 465-484. DOI:

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This article problematizes gender norms, sexuality and post-socialist individual cultural legacy by focusing on attitudes towards gendered sexual initiation and related family formation in migrant Russian-speaking women in Germany. It represents the results of a study that investigates whether and how norms of sexual maturity, adulthood and sexual behavior undergo a change or preservation in women after a migration episode and adjustment to a new cultural environment. By doing so, this piece of research scrutinizes the norms of (sexual) maturity, mostly associated with sexual debut and accompanied interpersonal experiences, common for individuals who underwent socialization in the (post-) socialist period and are now living in Germany. Drawing on primary data stemming from online discussions with Russian-speaking first generation migrant women in Germany, this study addresses not only individual cultural understandings of sexuality, adulthood and sexual behavior, but also gives implications on the revival of ‘traditional values’ in post-socialist contexts. This research, thus, contributes to the debate on how far cultural norms can transform through a change of the geographical context. © 2020, The Author(s).
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2020
Appears in Collections:Philosophische Fakultät

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