Browsing by Subject "soccer"

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  • Reinke, Marco; Schmitz, Gerd (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2023)
    The perception of effort is elementary for the self-regulation of exercise intensity in sports. The competence for rating perceived effort (RPE) seems to be related to physical and cognitive development. Children accurately ...
  • Giancola, Silvio; Cioppa, Anthony; Deliège, Adrien; Magera, Floriane; Somers, Vladimir; Kang, Le; Zhou, Xin; Barnich, Olivier; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe; Alahi, Alexandre; Ghanem, Bernard; Van Droogenbroeck, Marc; Darwish, Abdulrahman; Maglo, Adrien; Clapés, Albert; Luyts, Andreas; Boiarov, Andrei; Xarles, Artur; Orcesi, Astrid; Shah, Avijit; Fan, Baoyu; Comandur, Bharath; Chen, Chen; Zhang, Chen; Zhao, Chen; Lin, Chengzhi; Chan, Cheuk-Yiu; Hui, Chun Chuen; Li, Dengjie; Yang, Fan; Liang, Fan; Da, Fang; Yan, Feng; Yu, Fufu; Wang, Guanshuo; Chan, H. Anthony; Zhu, He; Kan, Hongwei; Chu, Jiaming; Hu, Jianming; Gu, Jianyang; Chen, Jin; Soares, João V. B.; Theiner, Jonas; De Corte, Jorge; Brito, José Henrique; Zhang, Jun; Li, Junjie; Liang, Junwei; Shen, Leqi; Ma, Lin; Chen, Lingchi; Santos Marques, Miguel; Azatov, Mike; Kasatkin, Nikita; Wang, Ning; Jia, Qiong; Pham, Quoc Cuong; Ewerth, Ralph; Song, Ran; Li, Rengang; Gade, Rikke; Debien, Ruben; Zhang, Runze; Lee, Sangrok; Escalera, Sergio; Jiang, Shan; Odashima, Shigeyuki; Chen, Shimin; Masui, Shoichi; Ding, Shouhong; Chan, Sin-wai; Chen, Siyu; El-Shabrawy, Tallal; He, Tao; Moeslund, Thomas B.; Siu, Wan-Chi; Zhang, Wei; Li, Wei; Wang, Xiangwei; Tan, Xiao; Li, Xiaochuan; Wei, Xiaolin; Ye, Xiaoqing; Liu, Xing; Wang, Xinying; Guo, Yandong; Zhao, Yaqian; Yu, Yi; Li, Yingying; He, Yue; Zhong, Yujie; Guo, Zhenhua; Li, Zhiheng (New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery, 2022)
    The SoccerNet 2022 challenges were the second annual video understanding challenges organized by the SoccerNet team. In 2022, the challenges were composed of 6 vision-based tasks: (1) action spotting, focusing on retrieving ...
  • Tiesler, Nina Clara (Goiana : Colegio Brasileiro de Ciencias do Esporte, 2016)
    Mobile players in men's football are highly skilled professionals who move to a country other than the one where they grew up and started their careers. They are commonly described as migrants or expatriate players. Due ...